Become a part of our unbeatable team!
Become an Eostarin!
You’re a student at a university, college, or academy in Erlangen or Nuremberg?
You want to get to know new people within your degree programme as well as those in others?
Would you like to be able to travel or chase new opportunities and have someone in every city to help you along the way?
You want to pursue your own personal development whilst studying?
Then get in touch
visit one of our events entirely non-binding!
Are you still not entirely convinced?
Here are a few more reasons why you should become an Eostarin:

Get to Know New People in Erlangen
Aside from us, there are 19 other fraternities (Studentenverbindungen) in Erlangen. Because fraternities often come together to attend different events or hang out in the evenings, you’ll be able to make new acquaintances and friends with people from various degree programmes.
Excursions and Building a Germany-wide Network
Do you want to get out of Erlangen from time-to-time? At least once per semester we try to go on a weekend-long excursion (Aktivenfahrt) where we visit other sororities and fraternities and, it goes without saying, that we take our time in exploring the city. In addition, the annual meeting of all sororities (Damenverbindungen) takes place in a different city each year which allows you to get to know people and make friends all over Germany. Because we are often able to stay at the houses of other sororities and fraternities, our activities go easy on your wallet.
Become a Part of Our Unbeatable Team
Oh, to be the only sorority (Damenverbindung) in Erlangen – that’s a bond that holds! Together we organize our events, go on excursions and also often meet up privately to hang out. Having fun and friendship are very important to us! But also in bad times: we are there to lend one another an ear and we support and help one another however it comes – even beyond the duration of one’s studies.
More often than not you’ve probably heard the phrase: “Soft skills often make the difference when it comes to applications and career-related success.”
With us you can take theory into practice by organizing and taking on responsibility and, more importantly, you can be creative and bring your own ideas to fruition with us! As a member of a very young sorority (Damenverbindung), you’ll have the opportunity to co-shape ADV Eostarae.
German is Not Your Mothertongue?
Are you interested in joining but you’re concerned about language barriers? Fear not! Transparency is important to us. We are always able to provide translations, information and answers to inquiries in English as well as in German. Should other languages be requested, we will ensure to help aid you.
Tempus est etiam maiora conari – It is time to wage great things!