About Us
“A friend, a good friend, that is the best thing in the world.”
(Comedian Harmonists)
Friendship is of great importance to us. We are there for one another according to the motto – through thick and thin, in good as well as bad times. We strengthen our friendship to one another by partaking in many activities together – for making memories is the foundation of every friendship!
“Take people as they are; there isn’t anyone else.”
(Konrad Adenauer)
Everyone is welcome regardless of their origin, their non-unconstitutional political orientation or religious beliefs. For it is exactly this diversity that makes our community so interesting and eclectic.
“Tis early practice that makes the master.”
(Friedrich Schiller)
For us this doesn’t just go for studying and pursuing degrees. Together we attend seminars or organize these ourselves in order to allow all those interested to participate in what enthuses us.

Our Story
We, the academic women’s sorority (ADV) Eostarae, were founded on April 5th, 2015 by female students attending the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität as the first women’s sorority in Erlangen. Our Name “Eostarae” traces its origin back to our establishment during Easter 2015 and recalls the Germanic goddess of springtime, Eostrae, for whom Easter was named after. Our sorority’s colors are dark red, gold, a night blue which symbolically represent the eternal flowing of days, as well as our principles of friendship, equality and ambition. With the motto “Tempus est etiam maiora conari” (It is time to wage great things), we have established ourselves as the only remaining women’s sorority in Erlangen.
Since September 2022, we are an official student association of the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg!
Tempus est etiam maiora conari – It is time to wage great things!